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5th Portuguese Assembly

1987-08-13 – 1991-11-03

Earlier Jump to: Later

Party Groupings

  • PSD

    133 seats

  • PS

    40 seats

  • PCP

    21 seats

  • CDS

    5 seats

  • PRD

    3 seats

  • ID

    1 seat

  • PEV

    1 seat

What’s in this dataset?

As much as we know. Here’s a taste of the information we have so far.

Biographical 63%
Social links 1%
Contact details 1%
Identifiers 100%

Know where we can find more information? Let us know

Members Download data

Abílio Costa

PSD — Bragança

parlamento 2910

Abílio Curto

PS — Guarda (until 1987-08-29)

Gender male
Born 1941-01-01
parlamento 141

Abílio Guedes

PSD — Vila Real

Born 1955-11-18
parlamento 2911

Ademar Sequeira

PS — Viseu (from 1990-11-03)

parlamento 531

Adriano Moreira

CDS — Lisboa

Gender male
Born 1922-09-15
parlamento 223
wikidata Q4685594
viaf 45307152
isni 0000 0000 8489 7353
lcauth n84202820

Adriano Pinto

PSD — Porto (until 1987-08-17)

Gender male
Born 1939-09-15
parlamento 5

Adão Silva

PSD — Bragança (until 1988-02-02)

Gender male
Born 1957-10-01
parlamento 3

Adérito Campos

PSD — Aveiro

Gender male
Born 1957-08-27
parlamento 4

Afonso Abrantes

PS — Viseu (until 1990-01-02)

parlamento 2907

Afonso Moura Guedes

PSD — Lisboa (until 1988-01-05)

Gender male
Born 1925-01-11
Died 2005-09-21
parlamento 2906
wikidata Q9587210

Alberto Antunes

PS — Setúbal (1990-06-29 to 1990-11-01)

Gender male
Born 1949-04-03
parlamento 1711

Alberto Araújo

PSD — Porto

Gender male
Born 1951-03-19
parlamento 7

Alberto Arons de Carvalho

PS — Braga

Gender male
Born 1949-09-20
parlamento 142
wikidata Q9594142

Alberto Avelino

PS — Lisboa (1987-08-14 to 1988-05-16)

Gender male
Born 1940-11-26
parlamento 144

Alberto Costa

PS — Lisboa (1991-03-22 to 1991-04-06)

Gender male
Born 1947-08-16
parlamento 143
wikidata Q364934
viaf 99880049
isni 0000 0000 7033 1498
freebase /m/02rh6yn

Alberto João Jardim

PSD — Madeira

Gender male
Born 1943-02-04
parlamento 396
wikidata Q784504
viaf 99850734
isni 0000 0001 0774 8415
lcauth nr2002008100

Alberto Martins

PS — Porto

Gender male
Born 1945-04-25
parlamento 462
wikidata Q2831797
viaf 77571458
isni 0000 0000 6708 9645
lcauth n78049561

Alberto Vicente

PS — Guarda (1987-10-14 to 1987-11-07)

parlamento 2908

Alberto de Melo

PSD — Aveiro (1991-05-07 to 1991-05-22)

parlamento 2909

Alexandre Leite

PRD — Lisboa (1989-10-01 to 1989-10-17)

parlamento 2912

Alexandre Monteiro

PSD — Guarda (1988-02-01 to 1988-06-03)

parlamento 2913

Almeida Santos

PS — Porto

Gender male
Born 1926-02-15
Died 2016-01-18
parlamento 147
wikidata Q611579
viaf 99921066
isni 0000 0001 1031 6613
lcauth n86851818

Alípio Dias

PSD — Porto (1987-12-02 to 1988-01-01)

Gender male
Born 1943-03-10
parlamento 338

Amândio Gomes

PSD — Bragança (1988-02-02 to 1988-03-03)

parlamento 2920

Amândio Oliveira

PSD — Braga

Gender male
Born 1949-01-12
parlamento 259

Américo Sequeira

PSD — Viana do Castelo (until 1987-08-28)

Gender male
Born 1932-01-01
parlamento 371

Ana Paula Coelho

PCP — Setúbal (from 1988-09-23)

Born 1961-03-14
parlamento 760

André Martins

PEV — Setúbal (1989-07-25 to 1990-06-07)

Gender male
Born 1953-06-06
parlamento 230
wikidata Q9614660
viaf 123729278
isni 0000 0000 8564 1296

Anselmo Aníbal

PCP — Lisboa

parlamento 2923

Antunes da Silva

PSD — Castelo Branco (until 1987-08-28)

Gender male
Born 1948-03-04
parlamento 54

António Azevedo Gomes

PS — Lisboa (1988-04-14 to 1988-09-16)

parlamento 2924

António Bacelar

PSD — Porto

Gender male
Born 1936-09-25
parlamento 22

António Balão

PSD — Évora (1990-11-27 to 1990-12-12)

parlamento 2925

António Barbosa de Azevedo

PSD — Braga

parlamento 2926

António Barreto

PS — Lisboa

Gender male
Born 1942-10-30
parlamento 2927
wikidata Q2857756
viaf 73866752
isni 0000 0001 0915 205X
lcauth n78061298

António Bento

PSD — Lisboa (1988-02-02 to 1988-02-17)

parlamento 2928

António Braga

PS — Braga (from 1987-09-21)

Gender male
Born 1953-04-21
parlamento 152

António Calado

PS — Lisboa (1989-07-26 to 1989-08-01)

parlamento 2929

António Campos

PS — Coimbra

Gender male
Born 1938-07-04
parlamento 150
wikidata Q9158187
isni 0000 0000 7082 5201
europarlmep 2162

António Capucho

PSD — Faro (until 1987-08-25)

Gender male
Born 1945-01-03
parlamento 314
wikidata Q9618827
viaf 23845447
isni 0000 0000 6764 4047
lcauth n95047243

António Coimbra

PSD — Fora da Europa (1988-05-30 to 1988-07-31)

parlamento 2930

António Esteves

PS — Faro

parlamento 2933

António Filipe

PCP — Lisboa (1989-02-13 to 1990-08-01)

Gender male
Born 1963-01-28
parlamento 209
wikidata Q9619105
viaf 24879353
isni 0000 0000 6661 1737
lcauth n2015002905

António Guterres

PS — Castelo Branco

Gender male
Born 1949-04-30
parlamento 628
wikidata Q311440
viaf 68907606
isni 0000 0000 7899 1212
lcauth n00025864

António Jorge Santos Pereira

PSD — Madeira (1988-12-01 to 1991-10-31)

parlamento 2934

António Lopes

PCP — Braga (1988-08-13 to 1988-10-16)

Born 1947-05-30
parlamento 990

António Macedo

PS — Porto (until 1988-01-01)

Gender male
Born 1906-09-29
Died 1989
parlamento 2935
wikidata Q9619601
viaf 305138193

António Magalhães

PS — Braga (until 1990-01-11)

Born 1944-04-05
parlamento 418

António Manuel de Oliveira

PS — Santarém (1990-01-22 to 1991-01-15)

parlamento 496

António Maria Pereira

PSD — Lisboa (until 1988-02-02)

Gender male
Born 1924-02-12
Died 2009-01-28
parlamento 18
wikidata Q16492030
viaf 210044631
lcauth n80132788
fast 62245

António Matos

PSD — Viseu

parlamento 2936

António Mota

PCP — Lisboa (1989-01-03 to 1989-02-13)

Born 1936-07-01
parlamento 781

António Ourique Mendes

PSD — Açores (from 1988-11-30)

parlamento 2937

António Pereira

PSD — Bragança (1988-11-17 to 1989-01-02)

parlamento 2938

António Ramos

PSD — Évora (until 1989-11-30)

parlamento 2939

António Ribeiro

PSD — Braga

Born 1950-01-01
parlamento 1582

António Tavares

PSD — Porto

parlamento 2940

António Vairinhos

PSD — Faro

Gender male
Born 1955-06-17
parlamento 14

António Vitorino

PS — Guarda (1987-11-07 to 1989-08-02)

Gender male
Born 1957-01-12
parlamento 1205
wikidata Q200941
viaf 40789613
isni 0000 0001 1490 7154
lcauth n84216532

António da Silva Mota

PCP — Porto (until 1988-07-30)

Born 1937-01-16
parlamento 807

António de Araújo

PSD — Viseu (until 1987-12-02)

parlamento 2931

António de Carvalho

PSD — Setúbal

parlamento 2932

Aníbal Pedro

PS — Castelo Branco (1988-03-22 to 1988-04-12)

parlamento 2922

Apolónia Teixeira

PCP — Setúbal (from 1987-08-14)

Gender female
Born 1950-03-14
parlamento 617

Aristides Teixeira

PSD — Porto

Gender male
Born 1945-06-01
parlamento 23

Arlindo Cunha

PSD — Porto

Gender male
Born 1950-11-15
parlamento 335
wikidata Q9159871
viaf 51241806
isni 0000 0000 6779 4379
lcauth no00095808

Arlindo Moreira

PSD — Porto

Gender male
Born 1940-11-20
parlamento 24

Armando Costa

PSD — Viana do Castelo (1989-06-02 to 1990-04-24)

parlamento 2941

Armando Cunha

PSD — Évora (until 1988-02-23)

Gender male
Born 1921-10-28
parlamento 25

Armando Militão

PSD — Lisboa (1988-01-12 to 1988-11-16)

Born 1957-01-01
parlamento 1650

Armando Vara

PS — Desconhecido (until 1989-11-10)

Gender male
Born 1954-03-27
parlamento 158
wikidata Q4792848
viaf 99559726
isni 0000 0000 6830 2612
pace 1994

Armando dos Reis

PS — Guarda (1990-12-11 to 1990-12-26)

parlamento 2745

Arménio Santos

PSD — Lisboa (until 1988-04-12)

Gender male
Born 1945-11-22
parlamento 26

Arnaldo Brito Lhamas

PSD — Aveiro (until 1991-09-30)

parlamento 2942

Assunção Esteves

PSD — Vila Real (until 1989-08-02)

Gender female
Born 1956-10-15
parlamento 2006
wikidata Q2868303
viaf 121748844
isni 0000 0000 8035 1329
lcauth nb2008012318

Assunção Marques

PSD — Guarda

parlamento 2943

Barbosa da Costa

PRD — Porto (1988-05-16 to 1988-06-23)

parlamento 2944

Basílio Horta

CDS — Porto

Gender male
Born 1943-11-16
parlamento 1740
wikidata Q9650912
viaf 99852010
isni 0000 0000 7002 7357

Belarmino Correia

PSD — Leiria

Gender male
Born 1940-11-17
parlamento 27

Bernardina Sebastião

PCP — Beja (until 1987-10-16)

parlamento 2946

Bártolo Campos

PRD — Porto (1987-11-17 to 1987-12-15)

parlamento 2945

Caio Roque

PS — Europa

Gender male
Born 1946-02-25
parlamento 207

Cardoso Ferreira

PSD — Setúbal

Gender male
Born 1948-01-14
parlamento 237

Carla Diogo

PSD — Porto (until 1987-09-15)

parlamento 2947

Carlos Alfredo Brito

PCP — Faro

Gender male
Born 1933-02-09
parlamento 2948
wikidata Q5041861
viaf 265981031
freebase /m/09_vcs
nta 255694571

Carlos Baptista

PSD — Coimbra (1989-01-26 to 1989-07-25)

parlamento 2949

Carlos Baptista Costa

PCP — Coimbra (from 1989-10-01)

parlamento 2950

Carlos Batista

PSD — Coimbra

parlamento 2951

Carlos Brito

PCP — Faro

Gender male
Born 1935-11-19
parlamento 1235

Carlos Candal

PS — Aveiro (until 1988-03-18)

Gender male
Born 1938-06-01
Died 2009-06-18
parlamento 234
wikidata Q8273607
viaf 99679581
isni 0000 0000 7099 614X
europarlmep 2272

Carlos Carvalhas

PCP — Lisboa (until 1989-07-25)

Gender male
Born 1941-11-09
parlamento 236
wikidata Q1042803
viaf 99826658
isni 0000 0000 6851 1000
freebase /m/03cscv

Carlos Coelho

PSD — Lisboa

Gender male
Born 1960-05-20
parlamento 35
wikidata Q714076
freebase /m/0552s5
europarlmep 1892

Carlos Corrêa Gago

PRD — Lisboa (until 1987-08-29)

Gender male
Born 1934-06-25
Died 2015-12-25
parlamento 2953
wikidata Q9696968

Carlos César

PS — Açores (1988-12-01 to 1990-01-01)

Gender male
Born 1956-10-30
parlamento 2952
wikidata Q2571494
viaf 98596993
isni 0000 0000 7079 9568
lcauth no2012061910

Carlos Duarte

PSD — Porto

Gender male
Born 1957-02-18
parlamento 32

Carlos Encarnação

PSD — Coimbra (until 1990-01-09)

Gender male
Born 1946-09-30
parlamento 280
wikidata Q9697042
viaf 65452089
isni 0000 0000 6745 7292
lcauth n85218065

Carlos Esmeraldo

PSD — Lisboa (until 1990-01-06)

parlamento 2955

Carlos Lage

PS — Vila Real

Gender male
Born 1944-11-21
parlamento 160
wikidata Q8273290
viaf 99866040
isni 0000 0000 6972 3769
europarlmep 2161

Carlos Lelis

PSD — Madeira

Gender male
Born 1931-10-31
parlamento 31

Carlos Lilaia

PRD — Lisboa (1987-08-14 to 1988-01-12)

parlamento 2956

Carlos Luís

PS — Guarda (1987-09-13 to 1987-10-14)

Gender male
Born 1950-05-23
parlamento 161

Carlos Macedo

PSD — Santarém

parlamento 2957

Carlos Oliveira

PSD — Porto

Gender male
Born 1958-03-22
parlamento 34

Carlos Pereira Pinto

PS — Porto (1988-01-01 to 1988-02-08)

parlamento 2958

Carlos Pimenta

PSD — Setúbal

Gender male
Born 1955-05-07
parlamento 355
wikidata Q17420856
isni 0000 0000 8045 5793
lcauth n82234737
europarlmep 1358

Carlos Pinto

PSD — Castelo Branco (until 1988-10-30)

Gender male
Born 1947-07-16
parlamento 273
wikidata Q9697287
viaf 99904461

Carlos Ramildes

PCP — Setúbal (until 1987-08-14)

parlamento 2959

Carlos da Costa

PCP — Porto (until 1989-05-08)

parlamento 2954

Carraco dos Reis

PSD — Coimbra (1990-06-11 to 1990-08-16)

parlamento 2960

Carvalho Martins

PSD — Viana do Castelo (until 1987-08-17)

Gender male
Born 1953-09-01
parlamento 238

Casimiro Pereira

PSD — Santarém

parlamento 2961

Casimiro de Almeida

PSD — Aveiro (until 1988-05-16)

Gender male
Born 1939-10-11
parlamento 102

Cavaco Silva

PSD — Lisboa

Gender male
Born 1939-07-15
parlamento 312
wikidata Q57398
viaf 2499572
isni 0000 0001 1466 0753
lcauth n77012292

Cecília Catarino

PSD — Madeira

Gender female
Born 1949-04-21
parlamento 37

Cerqueira de Oliveira

PSD — Braga

Born 1944-01-24
parlamento 6

Cláudio Percheiro

PCP — Beja (until 1989-10-09)

parlamento 2963

Coelho dos Reis

PSD — Santarém

Born 1930-03-22
parlamento 620

Coelho dos Santos

PSD — Porto

parlamento 2964

Conceição Castro Pereira

PSD — Lisboa (until 1989-11-01)

Born 1934-04-17
parlamento 111

Correia Afonso

PSD — Lisboa

Born 1929-07-03
parlamento 48

Correia de Jesus

PSD — Madeira (from 1991-10-31)

Gender male
Born 1941-12-16
parlamento 397

Costa Andrade

PSD — Coimbra

Gender male
Born 1944-10-08
parlamento 105
wikidata Q26256207

Couto dos Santos

PSD — Setúbal

Gender male
Born 1949-05-18
parlamento 356
wikidata Q2857733
viaf 77552976
isni 0000 0001 1575 8592
lcauth n00901813

Cristóvão Guerreiro Norte

PSD — Faro

parlamento 2965

Custódio Freitas

PS — Leiria (1989-09-09 to 1989-10-17)

parlamento 2966

César Santos

PSD — Viseu (1987-12-02 to 1988-06-21)

parlamento 2962

Daniel Bastos

PSD — Vila Real (until 1991-09-13)

parlamento 2967

Diamantino Dias

PCP — Portalegre (until 1987-08-14)

parlamento 2968

Dinah Alhandra

PSD — Lisboa

Gender female
Born 1932-04-03
parlamento 39

Domingos Abrantes

PCP — Setúbal

Gender male
Born 1936-01-19
parlamento 555
wikidata Q22958314

Domingos e Sousa

PSD — Porto (until 1991-04-01)

parlamento 2969

Domingues Azevedo

PS — Braga (1988-11-02 to 1990-01-09)

Born 1950-04-07
parlamento 151

Duarte Lima

PSD — Bragança

Gender male
Born 1955-11-20
parlamento 40
wikidata Q5290424

Dulcineo Rebelo

PSD — Braga (1990-01-09 to 1991-10-31)

parlamento 2970

Durão Barroso

PSD — Viseu (from 1991-10-31)

Gender male
Born 1956-03-23
parlamento 383
wikidata Q15849
viaf 34770967
isni 0000 0001 2127 6821
lcauth n87889829

Edgar Correia

PCP — Porto (1988-07-30 to 1988-10-16)

Gender male
Born 1945-03-03
Died 2005-04-20
parlamento 2971
wikidata Q27093788

Edite Estrela

PS — Lisboa (from 1988-11-01)

Gender female
Born 1949-10-28
parlamento 162
wikidata Q3047625
viaf 297971
isni 0000 0000 8190 866X
lcauth n84029664

Edmundo Pedro

PS — Lisboa (1988-07-01 to 1989-01-01)

Gender male
Born 1918-11-08
Died 2018-01-27
parlamento 2972
wikidata Q16337382
isni 0000 0001 1441 6531
lcauth n97055364

Eduarda Fernandes

PCP — Porto (1989-09-25 to 1990-01-25)

parlamento 2973

Eduardo Ferro Rodrigues

PS — Aveiro (1988-03-18 to 1988-04-02)

Gender male
Born 1949-11-03
parlamento 163
wikidata Q925136
viaf 262977231
isni 0000 0003 8273 5782
lcauth n84203532

Eduardo Gomes

PSD — Setúbal

Gender male
Born 1949-10-14
parlamento 71

Eduardo Pereira

PS — Setúbal (until 1990-06-29)

Gender male
Born 1927-06-28
Died 2015-05-09
parlamento 164
wikidata Q10270753
viaf 99926619
isni 0000 0000 6871 6575

Eduardo Pereira da Silva

PSD — Santarém

Gender male
Born 1959-02-02
parlamento 43

Elisa Damião

PS — Braga

Gender female
Born 1946-09-10
parlamento 165
wikidata Q9252793
isni 0000 0000 6962 1041
europarlmep 2330

Ercília Ribeiro da Silva

PSD — Leiria

parlamento 2974

Eurico de Melo

PSD — Braga (1990-01-06 to 1990-01-09)

Gender male
Born 1925-09-28
Died 2012-08-01
parlamento 256
wikidata Q3060511
viaf 306477498
isni 0000 0004 2841 6809
europarlmep 2154

Evaristo Oliveira

PSD — Lisboa (until 1990-01-06)

parlamento 2975

Fernandes Marques

PSD — Viana do Castelo (from 1987-08-17)

Gender male
Born 1946-01-11
parlamento 73

Fernando Amaral

PSD — Viseu

Gender male
Born 1925-01-13
Died 2009-01-25
parlamento 49
wikidata Q5444589
pace 2707

Fernando Conceição

PSD — Braga

parlamento 2976

Fernando Conceição Gomes

PCP — Coimbra (1988-02-01 to 1989-10-01)

parlamento 2977

Fernando Condesso

PSD — Santarém (from 1989-07-25)

Gender male
Born 1946-10-09
parlamento 50
wikidata Q17420699
lcauth n90638594
europarlmep 1719

Fernando Ferreira

PS — Bragança (1991-05-09 to 1991-05-24)

Gender male
Born 1954
Died 2014-05
parlamento 2978
wikidata Q17267320
isni 0000 0000 7021 0661

Fernando Figueiredo

PSD — Europa (until 1988-07-16)

parlamento 2979

Fernando Mariano

PS — Aveiro (1991-05-15 to 1991-05-30)

parlamento 2980

Fernando Moniz

PS — Braga (until 1988-11-02)

Gender male
Born 1953-07-29
parlamento 417
wikidata Q17420808
europarlmep 2164

Fernando Nogueira

PSD — Coimbra

Gender male
Born 1950-03-26
parlamento 333
wikidata Q3069515
viaf 99806867
isni 0000 0001 1691 5342
lcauth n78083026

Fernando Pereira

PSD — Vila Real

Gender male
Born 1964-01-26
parlamento 47

Fernando Rocha

PSD — Castelo Branco (until 1989-01-09)

parlamento 2981

Fernando Roriz

PSD — Braga (1987-09-15 to 1988-02-01)

parlamento 2982

Ferraz de Abreu

PS — Aveiro (until 1989-02-23)

Gender male
Born 1917-05-28
Died 2015-06-26
parlamento 175
wikidata Q20045885
viaf 311454618

Filipe Abreu

PSD — Faro

Gender male
Born 1947-07-24
parlamento 53

Flausino Silva

PSD — Aveiro

parlamento 2983

Francisco Bernardino Silva

PSD — Lisboa

Gender male
Born 1950-03-12
parlamento 55

Francisco Costa

PSD — Desconhecido

Born 1936-07-30
parlamento 359

Francisco Fernandes

PRD — Santarém (1987-12-31 to 1988-01-15)

parlamento 2984

Francisco Jardim

PSD — Madeira (until 1988-01-11)

parlamento 2985

Francisco Porto

PSD — Lisboa (until 1987-11-01)

Born 1935-01-01
parlamento 1137

Gameiro dos Santos

PS — Santarém

Born 1950-02-25
parlamento 188

Germano Domingos

PSD — Açores (1988-11-30 to 1990-02-02)

Gender male
Born 1934-11-06
Died 2015-05-05
parlamento 2986
wikidata Q10289236

Gilberto Parca Madail

PSD — Aveiro (until 1988-04-13)

Gender male
Born 1944-12-14
parlamento 1350
wikidata Q9268064

Graça Ramalho

PSD — Évora (1990-06-26 to 1990-07-12)

parlamento 2987

Guido Rodrigues

PSD — Porto

Gender male
Born 1935-04-21
parlamento 56

Guilherme Pinto

PS — Porto (1988-02-08 to 1988-07-01)

parlamento 2988

Guilherme Silva

PSD — Madeira

Gender male
Born 1943-07-16
parlamento 618
wikidata Q10292842
isni 0000 0000 7093 6307

Helder Filipe

PS — Aveiro (1987-08-14 to 1988-05-01)

Gender male
Born 1947-11-18
parlamento 409

Helena Falcão

PSD — Coimbra (from 1991-03-06)

Gender female
Born 1951-06-18
parlamento 612

Helena Roseta

PS — Porto

Gender female
Born 1947-12-23
parlamento 1154
wikidata Q10294464
viaf 4461010
isni 0000 0000 5037 823X
lcauth nb2007025735

Helena Torres Marques

PS — Beja

Gender female
Born 1941-05-08
parlamento 172
wikidata Q11708836
europarlmep 2163

Henrique Almeida

PSD — Europa (1988-07-16 to 1988-07-31)

parlamento 2989

Henrique Carminé

PS — Viseu (from 1989-10-15)

parlamento 2990

Herculano Pombo

PEV — Lisboa

Gender male
parlamento 2991
wikidata Q10295014

Hermínio Martinho

PRD — Santarém (until 1987-12-31)

Gender male
Born 1946-03-23
parlamento 2992
wikidata Q17318208

Hilário Marques

PSD — Viana do Castelo

Gender male
Born 1940-04-19
parlamento 57

Humberto Lopes

PSD — Santarém (1987-09-01 to 1987-10-15)

parlamento 2993

Humberto Rodrigues

PRD — Lisboa (1991-05-16 to 1991-05-31)

parlamento 2994

Idilberto Santos

PSD — Leiria (1989-03-03 to 1989-03-18)

parlamento 310

Igrejas Caeiro

PS — Lisboa (1987-08-31 to 1987-12-01)

Gender male
Born 1917-08-18
Died 2012-02-19
parlamento 2995
wikidata Q10300977
viaf 208196490
isni 0000 0003 5864 4880

Ilda Figueiredo

PCP — Porto (until 1989-09-25)

Gender female
Born 1948-10-30
parlamento 569
wikidata Q3116195
viaf 99980011
isni 0000 0000 7043 4809
lcauth nb2011030959

Isabel Espada

PRD — Lisboa (1988-01-12 to 1988-06-20)

parlamento 2996

Jaime Gama

PS — Lisboa

Gender male
Born 1947-06-08
parlamento 173
wikidata Q472589
viaf 43326267
isni 0000 0000 6744 2023
lcauth n86107617

Jaime Milhomens

PSD — Aveiro

Gender male
Born 1962-05-24
parlamento 60

Jaime Soares

PSD — Coimbra (until 1988-04-23)

Gender male
Born 1943-03-15
parlamento 59

Jerónimo de Sousa

PCP — Lisboa (until 1988-02-01)

Gender male
Born 1947-04-13
parlamento 210
wikidata Q1688029
viaf 99040000
isni 0000 0000 8285 0041
lcauth n2010046492

Joaquim Araújo

PS — Aveiro (until 1987-08-14)

parlamento 3003

Joaquim Rebocho

PCP — Évora (from 1989-10-01)

parlamento 3004

Joaquim Vilela Araújo

PSD — Porto

Gender male
Born 1943-02-14
parlamento 74

Jorge Catarino

PS — Porto (until 1987-11-01)

parlamento 3005

Jorge Coelho

PS — Lisboa (1989-09-23 to 1989-12-12)

Gender male
Born 1954-07-17
parlamento 180
wikidata Q3183808
viaf 311466688
isni 0000 0004 4016 2047
lcauth nb2014024887

Jorge Correia

PS — Guarda (1987-08-29 to 1987-09-13)

parlamento 3006

Jorge Lacão

PS — Santarém

Gender male
Born 1954-09-04
parlamento 179
wikidata Q3183843
viaf 99763220
isni 0000 0000 6841 0410
pace 4309

Jorge Lemos

PCP — Lisboa (1987-11-01 to 1988-06-30)

parlamento 3007

Jorge Liz

Indep — Lisboa (1989-10-16 to 1990-03-01)

Gender male
Born 1940-12-28
parlamento 3008
wikidata Q17420844
europarlmep 1546

Jorge Roque Cunha

PSD — Lisboa

Gender male
Born 1960-05-04
parlamento 75

Jorge Sampaio

PS — Santarém (until 1990-01-22)

Gender male
Born 1939-09-18
parlamento 458
wikidata Q156780
viaf 79184565
isni 0000 0001 1493 9682
lcauth n95043029

José Alfredo Silva

PSD — Coimbra (1990-08-16 to 1990-10-15)

parlamento 3009

José Apolinário

PS — Faro

Gender male
Born 1962-07-22
parlamento 183
wikidata Q17420661
europarlmep 1874

José Bastos

PSD — Aveiro (1988-06-21 to 1988-07-21)

parlamento 243

José Boavida

PSD — Castelo Branco (1987-08-28 to 1987-09-15)

parlamento 3010

José Castel-Branco

PS — Faro (until 1989-10-16)

parlamento 3011

José Cesário

PSD — Viseu

Gender male
Born 1958-07-20
parlamento 77
wikidata Q11728561
pace 4295

José Coito Pita

PSD — Madeira (1988-01-11 to 1988-12-01)

parlamento 3013

José Fernando Sequeira

PS — Bragança (1989-11-10 to 1989-11-24)

parlamento 3024

José Ferreira de Campos

PSD — Aveiro

parlamento 3015

José Francisco Amaral

PSD — Viana do Castelo (until 1990-06-21)

parlamento 3016

José Lello

PS — Porto

Gender male
Born 1944-05-18
Died 2016-10-14
parlamento 187
wikidata Q64688
viaf 100287240
lcauth n85198433
ptbnp 78586

José Luís Nunes

PS — Porto

parlamento 3017

José Luís Ramos

PSD — Lisboa

parlamento 1649

José Magalhães

PCP — Lisboa

Gender male
Born 1952-03-16
parlamento 189
wikidata Q17285265
viaf 88400991
isni 0000 0000 6769 8061
lcauth n2009030607

José Maltez

CDS — Porto (1987-08-31 to 1987-09-25)

parlamento 3018

José Manuel Casqueiro

PSD — Santarém

parlamento 3019

José Manuel Maia

PCP — Setúbal

Gender male
Born 1945-09-23
parlamento 213

José Manuel Mendes

PCP — Braga

parlamento 3020

José Meireles

PSD — Porto

Gender male
Born 1962-10-12
parlamento 89

José Melo Alves

PSD — Açores (until 1988-02-02)

Gender male
Born 1936-11-12
Died 1991-03-13
parlamento 3021
wikidata Q10310125

José Miranda

PS — Bragança (1991-06-03 to 1991-06-18)

parlamento 3022

José Mota

PS — Aveiro (until 1989-05-17)

Gender male
Born 1952-03-27
parlamento 184

José Narciso de Miranda

PS — Porto

Gender male
Born 1949-07-30
parlamento 191
wikidata Q10335529
lcauth n2009071251

José Nuno Meireles

PSD — Porto (until 1987-10-09)

parlamento 4809

José Paiva

PSD — Viseu (until 1991-10-31)

parlamento 3023

José Puig

PSD — Porto

Gender male
Born 1961-06-03
parlamento 76

José Reis

PS — Setúbal

Gender male
Born 1947-03-16
parlamento 186

José Sócrates

PS — Castelo Branco (until 1988-03-22)

Gender male
Born 1957-09-06
parlamento 285
wikidata Q182367
viaf 100038491
isni 0000 0001 1478 5097
lcauth nb2008021370

José Vera Jardim

PS — Lisboa (1988-03-01 to 1988-08-01)

Gender male
Born 1939-01-02
parlamento 185
wikidata Q10389774
viaf 281663874
isni 0000 0003 8850 4846
pace 4333

José Vitoriano

PCP — Setúbal (1988-08-31 to 1988-09-23)

Gender male
Born 1917-12-30
Died 2006-02-03
parlamento 3025
wikidata Q6294212

José de Castro

PCP — Coimbra (until 1988-02-01)

parlamento 3014

João Amaral

PCP — Lisboa (until 1988-09-16)

Gender male
Born 1943-12-07
parlamento 211

João Belém

PSD — Castelo Branco (until 1988-09-27)

parlamento 2997

João Camilo Gonçalves

PCP — Lisboa (1988-06-01 to 1988-06-02)

Born 1947-08-22
parlamento 557

João Castanho

PSD — Bragança (1989-01-02 to 1989-02-02)

parlamento 2998

João Corregedor da Fonseca

ID — Lisboa

Gender male
Born 1938-10-12
parlamento 212

João Cravinho

PS — Lisboa (until 1988-08-16)

Gender male
Born 1936-09-19
parlamento 459
wikidata Q64685
viaf 73452416
isni 0000 0000 6781 6785
lcauth no96066824

João Granja da Fonseca

PSD — Lisboa (until 1987-08-18)

Gender male
Born 1941-01-18
parlamento 65

João Matos

PSD — Lisboa

Gender male
Born 1958-06-27
parlamento 66

João Maçãs

PSD — Portalegre

Gender male
Born 1947-03-01
parlamento 67

João Montenegro

PSD — Viseu

parlamento 3000

João Oliveira Martins

PSD — Viana do Castelo (1990-04-24 to 1990-04-26)

Gender male
Born 1934-10-31
Died 2011-11-30
parlamento 69
wikidata Q10311851

João Poças Santos

PSD — Leiria

Gender male
Born 1959-06-29
parlamento 62

João Proença

PS — Lisboa (until 1987-08-14)

Gender male
Born 1947-07-29
parlamento 174

João Rui de Almeida

PS — Coimbra

Gender male
Born 1945-07-12
parlamento 177

João Salgado

PSD — Lisboa

Gender male
Born 1950-04-18
parlamento 63

João Seiça Neves

ID — Porto (1988-07-02 to 1988-07-17)

parlamento 3001

João Soares

PS — Lisboa (until 1987-12-19)

Gender male
Born 1949-08-29
parlamento 1814
wikidata Q1340708
viaf 6899495
isni 0000 0001 1510 7685
lcauth nb2002045519

João Teixeira

PSD — Vila Real

parlamento 3002

João da Costa

PSD — Aveiro

parlamento 242

João de Deus Pinheiro

PSD — Porto

Gender male
Born 1945-07-11
parlamento 334
wikidata Q722614
viaf 76422299
isni 0000 0001 0917 5729
lcauth n92091311

Júlio Antunes

PCP — Porto (1989-05-08 to 1989-07-17)

parlamento 3012

Júlio Henriques

PS — Leiria (1989-07-26 to 1989-09-09)

Gender male
Born 1938-03-31
parlamento 194

Lacerda de Queiroz

PSD — Porto (1987-09-15 to 1988-02-01)

Gender male
Born 1953-04-09
parlamento 3026
wikidata Q17420780
europarlmep 1609

Lalanda Ribeiro

PSD — Leiria (until 1989-03-03)

parlamento 3027

Laurentino Dias

PS — Braga (1987-08-28 to 1987-09-21)

Gender male
Born 1954-02-04
parlamento 262

Leite Machado

PSD — Braga

Born 1935-02-18
parlamento 87

Lemos Damião

PSD — Braga

Gender male
Born 1940-10-20
parlamento 269

Leonardo Ribeiro de Almeida

PSD — Lisboa (from 1987-08-17)

Gender male
Born 1924-09-19
Died 2006-01-18
parlamento 94
wikidata Q6526073
viaf 99431744
isni 0000 0000 6850 0408

Leonor Coutinho

PS — Lisboa (1989-02-01 to 1989-04-26)

Gender female
Born 1947-03-02
parlamento 195

Liberal Correia

PSD — Açores (1988-02-23 to 1988-04-05)

parlamento 3028

Licínio Moreira

PSD — Leiria

Gender male
Born 1936-07-31
parlamento 95

Lino de Carvalho

PCP — Évora

Gender male
Born 1946-10-04
Died 2004-06-10
parlamento 215
wikidata Q10318815
viaf 43726490
isni 0000 0000 6766 3731
lcauth n2006046142

Lopes Cardoso

PS — Setúbal (until 1991-04-01)

Gender male
Born 1933-03-27
Died 2000-06-09
parlamento 318
wikidata Q9619532
viaf 99773563
isni 0000 0000 6941 7745
nta 174267606

Lourdes Hespanhol

PCP — Beja (from 1987-10-16)

Gender female
Born 1950-09-26
parlamento 218

Lucas Pires

CDS — Lisboa

Gender male
Born 1945-01-01
Died 1998-05-22
parlamento 1429
wikidata Q3081880
viaf 27192668
isni 0000 0000 6651 4718
lcauth n88137544

Luis Palma

PCP — Beja (1989-10-09 to 1990-05-10)

parlamento 3032

Luis Roque

PCP — Portalegre (from 1987-08-14)

parlamento 3034

Luís Amaral

PSD — Fora da Europa (until 1988-05-30)

parlamento 3029

Luís Capoulas

PSD — Évora (until 1987-09-01)

Gender male
Born 1949-02-11
parlamento 288

Luís Carvalho

PSD — Guarda (until 1987-08-17)

parlamento 3030

Luís Covas

PS — Lisboa (1988-05-01 to 1988-08-01)

parlamento 3031

Luís Filipe Madeira

PS — Faro (from 1989-10-16)

Gender male
Born 1940-09-30
parlamento 196
wikidata Q17420795
europarlmep 1589

Luís Filipe Menezes

PSD — Porto

Gender male
Born 1953-11-02
parlamento 336
wikidata Q6706787

Luís Geraldes

PSD — Fora da Europa

Gender male
Born 1950-03-02
parlamento 100

Luís Marques Mendes

PSD — Braga

Gender male
Born 1957-09-05
parlamento 370
wikidata Q550243
viaf 261692777
isni 0000 0001 1421 2192
lcauth n2009039366

Luís Martins

PSD — Viseu

Gender male
Born 1946-03-27
parlamento 97

Luís Neves Rodrigues

PSD — Beja (until 1990-01-06)

parlamento 250

Luís Pais de Sousa

PSD — Coimbra

Gender male
Born 1958-01-20
parlamento 99

Luísa Amorim

PCP — Lisboa (until 1987-11-01)

parlamento 3035

Luísa Mesquita

PCP — Santarém

Gender female
Born 1949-04-10
parlamento 1423

Magalhães Mota

PRD — Lisboa

Gender male
Born 1935-11-17
Died 2007-09-26
parlamento 3036
wikidata Q3179729
viaf 99925572
isni 0000 0000 6972 5350
pace 2535

Manuel Alegre

PS — Coimbra

Gender male
Born 1936-05-12
parlamento 235
wikidata Q737410
viaf 84496537
isni 0000 0001 1680 5290
lcauth n85084482

Manuel Baptista Cardoso

PSD — Aveiro

Gender male
Born 1948-04-10
parlamento 106

Manuel Barros

PSD — Viseu (1990-01-02 to 1990-11-01)

parlamento 3037

Manuel Dias Loureiro

PSD — Guarda (until 1989-07-25)

Gender male
Born 1951-12-18
parlamento 300
wikidata Q10324087
viaf 66636644
isni 0000 0000 3664 3236
lcauth n97053619

Manuel Ferreira Martins

PSD — Porto

parlamento 1695

Manuel Filipe

PCP — Beja (until 1989-07-15)

parlamento 3038

Manuel Freitas

PCP — Porto (until 1991-05-01)

Born 1949-04-27
parlamento 808

Manuel Freixo

PSD — Viseu

parlamento 3039

Manuel Martins

PSD — Porto

Gender male
parlamento 841

Manuel Moreira

PSD — Porto

Gender male
Born 1956-09-02
parlamento 108

Manuel Pereira

PSD — Coimbra (1989-07-25 to 1990-01-06)

Gender male
Born 1928-03-31
parlamento 3040
wikidata Q10324419
europarlmep 1553

Manuel Soares Costa

PSD — Lisboa (until 1988-05-26)

parlamento 3042

Manuel Sá Fernandes

PSD — Braga (from 1988-02-01)

parlamento 3041

Manuel Tito de Morais

PS — Lisboa (until 1988-04-29)

Gender male
Born 1910-06-28
Died 1999-12-14
parlamento 3043
wikidata Q6752913
viaf 160632414
isni 0000 0001 0818 4236
lcauth no2010195502

Manuel Valente Fernandes

PEV — Setúbal (1990-06-07 to 1991-08-12)

parlamento 3044

Manuel dos Santos

PS — Porto

Gender male
Born 1943-12-05
parlamento 198
wikidata Q6752420
viaf 99791111
isni 0000 0000 6820 7842
freebase /m/05529_

Marcos Antunes

PCP — Setúbal

parlamento 3045

Margarida Borges de Carvalho

PSD — Lisboa

parlamento 3046

Maria Ana Medeiros

PS — Açores (1988-08-01 to 1988-12-01)

parlamento 3047

Maria Antónia Melo

PSD — Aveiro (1988-04-13 to 1988-04-30)

parlamento 3048

Maria João Antunes

PSD — Guarda (1991-04-15 to 1991-08-25)

parlamento 3050

Maria Julieta Sampaio

PS — Porto (from 1987-11-01)

Gender female
Born 1938-11-19
parlamento 199

Maria Leonor Beleza

PSD — Porto (from 1990-01-06)

Gender female
Born 1948-11-23
parlamento 114
wikidata Q6526652
viaf 99755820
isni 0000 0000 7063 1992
ptbnp 27475

Maria Luisa Ferreira

PSD — Leiria

Gender female
Born 1936-01-19
parlamento 115

Maria Manuela Aguiar

PSD — Porto (from 1987-08-17)

Gender female
Born 1942-06-09
parlamento 117

Maria Santos

PEV — Setúbal (until 1989-07-25)

Gender female
Born 1952-08-25
parlamento 1627
wikidata Q10325702
europarlmep 944

Maria do Céu Esteves

PS — Viseu (1988-11-08 to 1989-10-15)

parlamento 3049

Marilia Ferreira

PSD — Vila Real (from 1991-09-13)

parlamento 3052

Marques Júnior

PRD — Setúbal

Gender male
Born 1946-07-03
Died 2012-12-31
parlamento 148
wikidata Q16491101

Marques Mendes

PSD — Braga (until 1987-09-15)

Gender male
Born 1934-03-30
Died 2015-06-15
parlamento 258
wikidata Q4777584
viaf 316748055
europarlmep 1365

Mary Correia e Lança

PSD — Setúbal

parlamento 3056

Marília Raimundo

PSD — Guarda (1987-08-17 to 1988-01-06)

Gender female
Born 1945-07-24
parlamento 118

Mateus de Brito

PSD — Faro (from 1987-08-25)

parlamento 3057

Mendes Bota

PSD — Faro (until 1989-07-26)

Gender male
Born 1955-08-04
parlamento 249
wikidata Q11728611
europarlmep 1140
pace 5561

Mesquita Machado

PS — Braga (until 1987-08-28)

Born 1948-01-01
parlamento 1568

Miguel Galvão Teles

PRD — Lisboa (1987-08-29 to 1987-10-15)

parlamento 3058

Miguel Macedo

PSD — Braga (until 1990-01-09)

Gender male
Born 1959-05-06
parlamento 123
wikidata Q3131021
viaf 99566599
isni 0000 0000 7022 2099
freebase /m/0h3qq0x

Miguel Relvas

PSD — Santarém

Gender male
Born 1961-09-05
parlamento 124
wikidata Q527722
viaf 4146030501235861428
freebase /m/0h3nj5b
ptbnp 1635268

Miguel Urbano Rodrigues

PCP — Beja (from 1990-05-10)

Gender male
Born 1925-08-02
Died 2017-05-27
parlamento 221
wikidata Q10329876
viaf 52610763
isni 0000 0001 1444 0996
lcauth n89628230

Mira Amaral

PSD — Santarém

Gender male
Born 1945-12-04
parlamento 348
wikidata Q10321568
viaf 48450028
isni 0000 0000 6766 6836
lcauth n94002135

Miranda Calha

PS — Portalegre

Gender male
Born 1947-11-17
parlamento 193

Montalvão Machado

PSD — Porto

Gender male
Born 1921-06-03
Died 2010-05-11
parlamento 313
wikidata Q10334488
viaf 98813763
isni 0000 0000 6878 5212

Mota Amaral

PSD — Açores

Gender male
Born 1943-04-15
parlamento 390
wikidata Q745134
viaf 50937601
isni 0000 0000 6766 9295
lcauth n95075306

Mota Torres

PS — Madeira

Gender male
Born 1950-06-19
parlamento 1660

Motta Veiga

PSD — Lisboa

Born 1951-06-08
parlamento 16

Mário Albuquerque

PSD — Santarém (until 1987-09-01)

Gender male
Born 1940-11-19
parlamento 121

Mário Cal Brandão

PS — Porto

Gender male
Born 1910-03-25
Died 1996-10-21
parlamento 3053
wikidata Q10334395
isni 0000 0000 6971 6681

Mário Maciel

PSD — Açores

Gender male
Born 1961-02-05
parlamento 119

Mário Raposo

PSD — Coimbra (1987-08-17 to 1990-06-05)

Gender male
Born 1929-01-19
Died 2013-10-02
parlamento 3054
wikidata Q10334520
lcauth n2001101431

Mário Santos

PSD — Santarém

Gender male
Born 1944-01-06
parlamento 120

Mário Sottomayor Cardia

PS — Lisboa (until 1988-05-31)

Gender male
Born 1941-05-19
Died 2006-11-17
parlamento 3055
wikidata Q185771
viaf 23509297
isni 0000 0001 0737 3756
lcauth n83026584

Narana Coissoró

CDS — Lisboa

Gender male
Born 1931-10-03
parlamento 229
wikidata Q377683
viaf 51291933
isni 0000 0000 6629 978X
lcauth no97023162

Nascimento Rodrigues

PSD — Europa

Gender male
Born 1940-08-03
Died 2010-04-11
parlamento 3059
wikidata Q3132528
viaf 65439391
isni 0000 0001 1302 3250

Natalina Pintão

PSD — Santarém (1987-11-01 to 1988-10-14)

parlamento 3061

Natália Correia

PRD — Lisboa

Gender female
Born 1923-09-13
Died 1993-03-16
parlamento 3060
wikidata Q270268
viaf 22155664
isni 0000 0001 1044 3508
lcauth n80132767

Nogueira de Brito

CDS — Braga (from 1987-09-25)

Gender male
Born 1938-01-13
parlamento 226
wikidata Q10309840

Nuno Brederode

PS — Lisboa (until 1987-08-31)

parlamento 3062

Nuno Delerue

PSD — Porto

Gender male
Born 1960-08-14
parlamento 125

Nuno Silvestre

PSD — Setúbal

parlamento 3063

Octávio Pato

PCP — Lisboa (1987-11-01 to 1987-11-16)

Gender male
Born 1925-04-01
Died 1999-02-19
parlamento 3064
wikidata Q2891285
viaf 72884227
isni 0000 0000 2766 1424
lcauth n86805502

Octávio Teixeira

PCP — Lisboa

Gender male
Born 1944-08-06
parlamento 222

Odete Santos

PCP — Setúbal

Gender female
Born 1941-04-26
parlamento 219
wikidata Q10340237
isni 0000 0000 6847 924X

Oliveira Costa

PSD — Aveiro (from 1991-10-31)

Gender male
Born 1935-08-30
parlamento 92
wikidata Q10310225

Oliveira e Silva

PS — Viana do Castelo

Gender male
Born 1924-10-09
Died 2011-02-10
parlamento 233
wikidata Q9594416
isni 0000 0000 6972 1704

Orlando Cruz

PS — Aveiro (1988-05-01 to 1988-06-01)

parlamento 3065

Oscar Lopes

PCP — Porto (1991-06-18 to 1991-07-03)

Born 1917-10-02
parlamento 798

Osório Gomes

PS — Coimbra

Gender male
Born 1941-07-23
parlamento 1347

Pacheco Pereira

PSD — Lisboa

Gender male
Born 1949-01-06
parlamento 78
wikidata Q6293647
viaf 46769542
isni 0000 0001 1060 5407
lcauth n84073746

Paulo Godinho

PS — Lisboa

parlamento 3086

Paulo Pereira Coelho

PSD — Coimbra

Gender male
Born 1958-04-27
parlamento 20

Paulo Silveira

PSD — Açores (1988-02-02 to 1988-11-30)

Born 1951-01-01
parlamento 1465

Pedro Holstein Campilho

PSD — Lisboa

Gender male
Born 1949-12-15
parlamento 127
wikidata Q28555825

Pedro Pinto

PSD — Lisboa (from 1989-07-25)

Gender male
Born 1956-10-24
parlamento 629
wikidata Q10347324
europarlmep 1548

Pedro Roseta

PSD — Castelo Branco (from 1988-09-27)

Gender male
Born 1943-06-29
parlamento 128
wikidata Q10347591
viaf 99849878
isni 0000 0000 6841 2619
pace 2195

Pedro Santana Lopes

PSD — Lisboa (1987-08-17 to 1987-09-14)

Gender male
Born 1956-06-29
parlamento 315
wikidata Q239248
viaf 65837907
isni 0000 0000 6768 4102
lcauth n2002117184

Pereira Lopes

PSD — Castelo Branco (1987-09-15 to 1988-04-12)

Gender male
Born 1939-11-01
parlamento 93

Raimundo Cabral

PCP — Santarém (until 1987-08-14)

parlamento 3066

Ramalho Eanes

PRD — Lisboa (until 1987-08-14)

Gender male
Born 1935-01-25
parlamento 3067
wikidata Q60114
viaf 99670757
isni 0000 0000 7836 5449
lcauth n78009437

Raul Junqueiro

PS — Viseu (until 1988-11-08)

parlamento 3068

Raul Rêgo

PS — Lisboa (until 1988-05-29)

Gender male
Born 1913-04-15
Died 2002-02-01
parlamento 615
wikidata Q10357633
viaf 57950674
isni 0000 0001 1876 594X
lcauth n82012197

Raúl Brito

PS — Porto

Gender male
Born 1945-12-10
parlamento 202

Raúl Castro

ID — Porto (until 1988-07-02)

Gender male
Born 1921-08-25
parlamento 568

Reinaldo Gomes

PSD — Leiria

parlamento 3069

Ricardo Barros

PS — Açores (until 1988-08-01)

parlamento 3070

Rogério Brito

PCP — Setúbal

Gender male
Born 1945-12-20
parlamento 217
wikidata Q17420682
europarlmep 1840
pace 2811

Rogério Moreira

PCP — Lisboa (until 1989-01-04)

parlamento 3071

Roleira Marinho

PSD — Viana do Castelo (until 1989-05-18)

Gender male
Born 1942-12-13
parlamento 21

Romeu Correia

PCP — Desconhecido (1991-08-23 to 1991-08-24)

parlamento 4860

Rosa Maria Albernaz

PS — Aveiro (1989-04-14 to 1989-05-14)

Gender female
Born 1947-09-04
parlamento 204

Rosa Tomé e Costa

PSD — Coimbra (1988-04-23 to 1988-10-18)

parlamento 3072

Rosado Correia

PS — Desconhecido

Gender male
Born 1939-11-02
Died 2002-11-24
parlamento 3085
wikidata Q10312177

Rui Almeida Mendes

PSD — Lisboa

parlamento 316

Rui Amaral

PSD — Porto

parlamento 3074

Rui Carp

PSD — Lisboa (from 1990-01-06)

Gender male
Born 1950-04-21
parlamento 131

Rui Cunha

PS — Lisboa (from 1989-05-01)

Gender male
Born 1944-10-23
parlamento 205

Rui Godinho

PCP — Lisboa (1989-11-01 to 1989-12-01)

Born 1947-06-04
parlamento 765

Rui Gomes da Silva

PSD — Lisboa (until 1987-08-25)

Gender male
Born 1958-08-23
parlamento 133
wikidata Q16940727

Rui Machete

PSD — Lisboa (until 1989-09-01)

Gender male
Born 1940-04-07
parlamento 134
wikidata Q10365280
viaf 74163376
isni 0000 0001 2139 7658
lcauth n94004385

Rui Salvada

PSD — Lisboa

Gender male
Born 1943-03-25
parlamento 130

Rui Santos Silva

PRD — Lisboa (1987-10-15 to 1989-11-06)

parlamento 3075

Rui Vieira

PS — Leiria

Gender male
Born 1948-04-14
parlamento 206

Rui Ávila

PS — Açores (from 1990-01-01)

Gender male
Born 1952-06-22
parlamento 536

Silva Lopes

PRD — Porto (until 1987-11-17)

Gender male
Born 1932-05-10
Died 2015-04-02
parlamento 3076
wikidata Q10310706
viaf 39466238
isni 0000 0000 7973 8147
lcauth n85243195

Silva Marques

PSD — Leiria

Gender male
Born 1938-11-07
Died 2016-12-25
parlamento 81
wikidata Q28073035
pace 2537

Silva Peneda

PSD — Bragança

Gender male
Born 1950-06-06
parlamento 270
wikidata Q6291307
freebase /m/0552wp
europarlmep 28402

Silva Torres

PSD — Porto

parlamento 3077

Sousa Lara

PSD — Lisboa

Gender male
Born 1952-04-13
parlamento 320
wikidata Q9620197
viaf 20480
lcauth n79036624
gnd 1047957035

Sérgio Ribeiro

PCP — Santarém (1989-10-01 to 1990-10-22)

Gender male
Born 1935-12-21
parlamento 1979
wikidata Q6272417
viaf 98546066
isni 0000 0000 7783 9550
lcauth n2010026777

Teresa Patrício Gouveia

PSD — Lisboa (from 1990-01-06)

Gender female
Born 1946-07-18
parlamento 317
wikidata Q7702196
viaf 65976616
isni 0000 0000 6780 8603
lcauth nb2002005212

Teresa Santa Clara Gomes

PS — Desconhecido (until 1987-11-03)

Gender female
Born 1936-01-31
parlamento 200

Torres Couto

PS — Leiria (until 1989-07-26)

Gender male
Born 1947-02-01
parlamento 505
wikidata Q17420910
europarlmep 1199

Valdemar Alves

PSD — Aveiro

parlamento 3078

Valente de Oliveira

PSD — Vila Real

Gender male
Born 1937-08
parlamento 376
wikidata Q1878439
viaf 75388607
isni 0000 0000 6756 8013
lcauth n87943404

Vargas Bulcão

PSD — Açores

parlamento 3079

Vasco Miguel

PSD — Lisboa

Gender male
Born 1949-06-27
parlamento 137

Vasco da Gama Fernandes

PRD — Lisboa (until 1987-12-03)

Gender male
Born 1908-11-04
Died 1991-09-09
parlamento 3080
wikidata Q7916430
viaf 58052271
isni 0000 0000 6745 1659
lcauth n85155040

Victor Ávila da Silva

PRD — Lisboa (1987-12-03 to 1988-01-05)

parlamento 3081

Vidigal Amaro

PCP — Évora (until 1989-10-01)

parlamento 3082

Vieira Mesquita

PSD — Porto

Born 1940-01-01
parlamento 1255

Vieira de Castro

PSD — Lisboa (until 1987-08-17)

Gender male
Born 1941-10-24
parlamento 384

Virgílio Carneiro

PSD — Braga

Gender male
Born 1940-03-27
parlamento 138

Vitor Constâncio

PS — Lisboa (until 1989-01-16)

Gender male
Born 1943-10-12
parlamento 3083
wikidata Q529992
viaf 63079654
isni 0000 0000 6755 8392
lcauth n87927672

Vítor Crespo

PSD — Leiria

Gender male
Born 1932-12-02
Died 2014-09-30
parlamento 140
wikidata Q7925828
viaf 31194286
isni 0000 0000 6765 0201
lcauth n92079468

Walter Teixeira

PSD — Vila Real (from 1989-08-02)

parlamento 3084

Álvaro Amaro

PSD — Coimbra (until 1987-08-17)

Gender male
Born 1953-05-25
parlamento 281

Álvaro Balseiro Amaro

PCP — Setúbal (1987-08-14 to 1988-08-31)

parlamento 2914

Álvaro Barreto

PSD — Beja (1990-01-06 to 1990-01-09)

Gender male
Born 1936-01-01
parlamento 9
wikidata Q10395757

Álvaro Brasileiro

PCP — Santarém (until 1989-10-01)

parlamento 2915

Álvaro Cunhal

PCP — Lisboa

Gender male
Born 1913-11-10
Died 2005-06-13
parlamento 2916
wikidata Q250919
viaf 85683784
isni 0000 0001 0921 816X
lcauth n50075996

Álvaro Dâmaso

PSD — Açores (until 1988-02-23)

parlamento 2917

Álvaro Neves da Silva

PS — Lisboa (until 1988-01-12)

parlamento 2919

Álvaro Viegas

PSD — Faro (from 1989-07-26)

Gender male
Born 1963-08-13
parlamento 8

Álvaro de Carvalho

PSD — Guarda (until 1988-02-01)

parlamento 2918

Ângelo Correia

PSD — Aveiro

Gender male
Born 1945-07-18
parlamento 79
wikidata Q8077028
viaf 316748072

Ruby programmer? It’s easy to use this data in your own app! Use the gem like this:

require 'everypolitician'
country ='Portugal')
house = country.legislature('Assembly')
house.popolo.terms.find_by(id: 'term/5').memberships.each do |membership|
  puts "#{} (#{}): #{membership.person.gender}"

Libraries also available in Python and PHP.

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